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Empowering communities to build sustainable waste management systems 

Waste management systems that are replicable, scalable and sustainable.

Working hand-in-hand with local communities, our team has brought waste management services to 7 million people, and we are ready to deliver more.

With the right skills and strong local leadership, communities anywhere can turn waste into a resource. Our proven approach focuses on independence and affordability, laying strong foundations for long-term impact. 


We co-design waste management systems with regional and local governments, businesses and community members, building capacity and trust between local partners and stakeholders.



We reduce risks through mobilising local stakeholders and delivering systems that can be operated independently for generations.

We implement the plans with local communities, creating and sustaining circular and dignified jobs in resource recovery.


Clean Oceans through Clean Communities (CLOCC) adalah program berbasis masyarakat dan jaringan yang dimiliki oleh Avfall Norge dan didanai oleh Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

Visi kami adalah untuk mewujudkan lingkungan yang bersih serta masyarakat yang sehat - melalui pengelolaan sampah berkelanjutan dan bisnis yang ramah lingkungan untuk menuju ekonomi sirkular

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© 2021 CLOCC

Oslo, Norwegia

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